Wyrd Destination

Mesmerizing dots of light, unleashing a prism of light from the dank, grotty streetlights, along the slabs of warped and broken paving.

A cloud filled sky brewing with ire for the ground below, its viscous drizzle cloying and heavy, as it hangs in the air, as if some cloak of marrow freezing poison.

Against symmetrical shapes of identical buildings erupt the skeletal trees, their empty branches jagged and violent against the blur of brick.

But!.....Underfoot, what draws closer with each grimly determined step? Pulsing, throbbing until quiet, with the lacerating, semi regular spray of water?

For it calls, the humdrum and dazzling neon of busier paths, a bristling mixture of muted and violent, struggling to make themselves known.

As the furnace of that noisy vein, it's life slicing across murkier depths, rushing in opposite courses. It's lurid neon streaks, against a blackened sky, bursting in eruptions of liquid. Too much, until gone from whence, the dark envelopes once more.

The silence, more destructive than the slashing of water and roar of lurid beasts, envelopes once again. Its charm its inky poison. It looms, then all is still.

Such journeys, foul though they are, bring calm where chaos once reigns, as all is lost to a brewing void.


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